Thursday, February 9, 2012

Art and Authenticity

I stumbled across this a while ago and decided it was share-worthy. It's a site with photographs that have moving components to them by photographers Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg. Check it out here!

I also read this quote that someone posted on Facebook today and thought it was really interesting... It's Rule #5 of filmmaker Jim Jarmusch's "Golden Rules":

"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery—celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: 'It’s not where you take things from—it’s where you take them to.'”

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

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