Saturday, May 26, 2012

Publication Station

So I finally decided that I have wayy too much stuff in my room, making it a lot harder to unpack from college. Therefore, I've decided to make a very tough call... recycle my *sniff* *sniff* magazines. I counted and I have 154 magazines!! From Girl's Life, Teen, CosmoGirl, Seventeen, TeenVogue, and few special editions (Twilight and Hunger Games) of People and US. It's crazy!

But because I am a neat pack-rat, I've decided to continue my collection by removing every single cover of the ones that I will be recycling and placing them in a binder where I can see all of the different magazines that I have owned. My mom thinks it's a little weird, but I feel like some of you will understand. ;)

I also figured I could use some of the magazines before I get rid of them so I removed all of the workout pages from Seventeen and placed them in a folder. Then I looked up different DIY projects I can do with my old magazines. This website had a number of great ideas: Always Chrysti

1. Gift Bow: I made a gift bow using a single magazine page following directions from How About Orange.

2. Paper Bow: I learned how to make this origami paper bow from Helen Made.

3. Wristlet: I really wanted to use my magazines, before I recycle them, to create a wristlet like this one from Craftster, but I've been having issues.

I can't seem to find that thorough of instructions online so here's what I have so far.

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to sew it all together or if I want to do something different with it.

What have you guys created from old magazines? Next, I'd like to do something with maps!

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